Staff Contacts

Portrait of Ian Berry standing by a window and looking at the camera
Ian Berry
Dayton Director, Professor of Liberal Arts
A light-skinned person wearing glasses and a black shirt stands smiling in front of a green wooded area.
Polar Brehm
Tang Guide
Olivia camissa frost 2020
Olivia Cammisa-Frost
Special Events and Publications Manager
Izzy desantis staff
Izzy DeSantis
Kiki Pohlad ’13 Curatorial Assistant
Hilary dupont dsc07895
Hilary duPont
A light-skinned woman with blond hair and hoop earrings smiles at the camera in front of a grayscale mural.
Paige Fairchild
Tang Guide
Michael Janairo
Senior Manager of Communications and Strategic Initiatives
A dark-skinned woman in a pink blouse smiles in front of an abstract sculpture.
Njeri Jennings
Tisch Educator
Elizabeth Karp stands in front of an artwork with multiple pieces mounted on a white wall
Elizabeth Karp
Senior Museum Registrar
Annelise Kelly
Online Content Coordinator
A person wearing a cream colored tank top smiles at us while standing in front of a white wall and a green, tree-filled landscape.
Lynae Kovatch
Tang Guide
Eric kuhl
Eric Kuhl
Head of Installations
Anne lowenthal
Anne Lowenthal
Tang Guide
(518) 580-8080
A light-skinned woman with shoulder-length salt and pepper hair smiles at the camera in front of a large tree blurred behind her.
Brigitte Mahaney
On-Call Museum Educator
A light-skinned, brown-haired woman wearing a black blazer smiles at the camera in front of a stone wall.
Lisa Martin
Manager of Finance and Planning
A light-skinned person with light pink hair, wearing a maroon long-sleeved shirt stands in front of a gray wall.
Sayde Mayes
Student Art Loan Program Coordinator
Rebecca mcnamara 1 web dsc07931
Rebecca McNamara
The Frances Young Tang ’61 Associate Curator
Annabelle mona staff
Annabelle Mona
On-Call Collections Assistant
Katiepeterson headshot web
Katie Peterson
On-Call Museum Educator
A light-skinned woman, wearing a tan blazer over a black shirt, smiles at the camera.
Nora Riccio
Collections Registrar
Rachel Seligman
Assistant Director for Curatorial Affairs and Malloy Curator
Ruth thomas
Ruth Thomas
Tang Guide
A light-skinned woman in a red sweater stands with a staircase behind her.
kelly ward
Assistant to the Director
A white person with short brown hair wearing a navy turtleneck sweater stands in front of a wall of hanging photographs while smiling at us.
Scrap Wrenn
On-Call Museum Educator
Tom yoshikami cmh9687 sml
Tom Yoshikami
Assistant Director for Engagement
Cynthia Zellner
Building Manager
Student Employees
Muhummud Abid Headshot
Muhummud Abid
Tang Guide
Anna Alford Headshot
Anna Alford
Tang Guide
Sana headshot
Sana Arif
Curatorial Intern, Student Advisory Council, past: Tang Guide
Lauren headshot
Lauren Attwell
2024-25 Carole Marchand Endowed Intern, past: Tang Guide, Student Advisory Council
Martita headshot
Martita Baenziger
Student Advisory Council
Maggie bateman headshot
Maggie Bateman
Student Advisory Council
Amos blumberg
Milo Bisaiger
Student Advisory Council
Samantha Cai
Digital Media and Design Intern
Olive collinson web
Olive Collinson
2024-25 Meg Reitman Jacobs ’63 Endowed Intern
A young man with short brown hair stands in a large room in front of a staircase while smiling at us.
Andrew Crews
Student Advisory Council
Molly Danko Headshot
Molly Danko
Tang Guide
Diego De Leon
Student Advisory Council
Samantha epstein headshot
Samantha Epstein
Student Advisory Council
Mia etkin headshot
Mia Etkin
Education Intern, Student Advisory Council
Willow forbes headshot
Willow Forbes
Tang Guide
Aleah Ford-Sussman
Tang Guide
Renée headshot
Renée Fritschel
Public Programming Intern, Student Advisory Council, past: Tang Guide
Chiara garcia ugarte
Chiara Garcia-Ugarte
Student Advisory Council Chair, past: 2023-24 Carole Marchand Endowed Intern, Registrarial Intern, Tang Guide
A young, light-skinned person with long blonde hair smiles in front of a gray wall.
Maddie Goewey
Student Advisory Council, past: Special Projects Intern, Tang Guide
Nex hagen
Nex Hagen
Student Advisory Council
A light-skinned person with medium-long brown hair smiles at us.
Kayla Hassett
Public Programming Intern, Student Advisory Council, past: Digital Media Intern, Tang Guide
Sam Hort Headshot
Sam Hort
Tang Guide
Alyssa Hubbs Headshot
Alyssa Hubbs
Tang Guide
Erin Hurley
Student Advisory Council
Isabellai headshot
Isabella Iannone
Student Advisory Council
Han ah kang
Han-ah Kang
Student Advisory Council
A young brunette woman stands smiling in front of a white wall decorated with round sculptures.
Elizabeth Kreindler
Student Advisory Council
A young, light-skinned person with short brown hair is seen from the waist up wearing an off-white turtleneck and stands in front of yellow trees.
Ariel Langberg
Student Advisory Council
Dinah Luomanen
Public Programming Intern, Student Advisory Council
Samantha Majiedt
Tang Guide
Sarah malik headshot
Sarah Malach
Student Advisory Council
Jack McLaughlin
2024-25 Ann Schapps Schaffer ’62 and Mel Schaffer Endowed Intern, Student Advisory Council, past: Education Intern, Tang Guide
Elise milner headshot
Elise Milner
Education Intern, Student Advisory Council
Kayla Moody
Curatorial Intern
A light-skinned person with brown hair wears a black shirt and stands in front of a gray wall.
Leslie Morin
Tang Guide
Annie Obrecht
Student Advisory Council
Allison oh
Allison Oh
Student Advisory Council
Taryn headshot
Taryn Queenin
Student Advisory Council
Maitreya headshot
Maitreya Ravenstar
Student Advisory Council
Sritha headshot
Sritha Ravi
Student Advisory Council, past: Public Programming Intern
Gillian ross
Gillian Ross
2024-25 Charina Endowment Fund Endowed Intern, Student Advisory Council, past: 2023 Education Studies Intern
Connor rustin
Connor Rustin
Tang Guide, Student Advisory Council
Djeneba Sanogo
Student Advisory Council
Elena schneider staff
Elena Schneider
Registrarial Intern, Student Advisory Council, past: Education Intern
Sophie schulman cahn headshot
Sophie Schulman-Cahn
Tang Guide, Student Advisory Council
Allie Serapilio
2024-2025 Eleanor Linder Winter Endowed Intern, Student Advisory Council, past: Public Programming Intern, Tang Guide
Aarjun Shodhan
Digital Media Intern
Cassiestewart web
Cassie Stewart
Design Intern
Frankie Sullivan
Tang Guide
Annie summerville
Annie Summerville
Student Advisory Council
Jean Tavarez
Tang Guide
A young woman with brown curly hair tied back stands and smiles in front of a cement wall and trees.
Anna Valmore
Student Advisory Council
Hayes van dis
Hayes Van Dis
Student Advisory Council
Deborah Vigh
Student Advisory Council
Andrew villardi headshot
Andrew Villardi
Tang Guide
Marin Wheeler
Student Advisory Council
Kathryn wilson headshot
Kathryn Wilson
Student Advisory Council
Ruth wilson headshot
Ruth Wilson
Student Advisory Council
Jana wong
Jana Wong
Tang Guide, Student Advisory Council
Alice yi headshot
Al Yi
Curatorial Intern, past: 2024 Charina Endowment Fund Endowed Summer Intern, Registrarial Intern
Pattern as of Feb 8, 7:44:54 am
daily on-campus page views: 201
daily off-campus page views: 459
current wind in Saratoga Springs: 4.71 mph, SW
Website design: Linked by Air