POSTPONED Peplum for Beginners

Muscle-man Steve Reeves in chains as Hercules in La fatiche di Ercole
Film still from Le fatiche di Ercole, 1958, dir. Pietro Francisci

This event has been postponed, check back later for updates.

Join us for a screening of movie clips inspired by the exhibition FLEX!

Peplum for Beginners surveys the cinematic genre of “peplum,” or sword-and-sandal movies — a genre as old as cinema itself. Hosted by Dan Curley (Associate Professor of Classics, co-curator of FLEX), this evening of clips, commentary, and discussion will immerse viewers in the pleasures and perils of muscled bodies on the silver screen. Participants in this event will receive a personalized Bachelor/Master of Peplum certificate, suitable for framing.

This event is free and open to the public.

About Dan Curley

Dan Curley is Associate Professor of Classics at Skidmore. His teaching and research interests include Latin poetry, ancient dramaturgy, classical mythology, the ancient world on screen, and (with Gregory Spinner) the city of Rome. He has written articles and essays on classical motifs in modern media, and he is the Vice President of Antiquity in Media Studies (AIMS), an interdisciplinary organization of teacher-scholars dedicated to the discipline of classical reception. Curley is the author of Tragedy in Ovid: Theater, Metatheater, and the Transformation of a Genre (Cambridge University Press, 2013). His current project is Screening Classical Myth, a critical guide for teaching mythology in screen media (under contract with Wiley-Blackwell). He has also written a book of poems, Conditional Future Perfect (Wolfson Press, 2019).

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