Crochet with Chillmore

A red, white, and pink crocheted coral sphere made up of layers of folds, sits on a wood floor attached to a ball of yarn.
A crocheted hyperbolic coral in progress

Skidmore students, join Chillmore Saturday, May 1, at 6:00 PM, for an online crocheting session, lead by crochet instructor Tamar Bordwin ’21. Chillmore is a club that aims to provide cool and creative weekend events for students. In this session, students will learn to crochet hyperbolic corals for the Saratoga Springs Satellite Reef, part of the worldwide Crochet Coral Reef project by Christine and Margaret Wertheim and the Institute For Figuring. Coral creations submitted to the Museum will be assembled together to form the Saratoga Springs Satellite Reef, which will be exhibited as part of Radical Fiber: Threads Connecting Art and Science, opening early 2022.

This event is presented by Chillmore and the Tang Teaching Museum. Students can register on SkidSync.

Crochet kits will be available for registered Skidmore students to pick up at the Tang Museum Monday–Wednesday, 9am–5pm; Thursday–Friday, 9am–9pm.

Download the Institute For Figuring’s brochure How to Crochet Hyperbolic Corals.

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