Tang Live: Curator’s Tour of Hyde Cabinet #13: Thorns in Time

A detail of a black-and-white photograph of a bouquet of mixed roses at various stages of decay against a dark backdrop.
Charles Hippolyte Aubry, American Beauty (Study of Roses), c. 1864, albumen print on board, 13 ¼ x 10 ¼ inches, The Jack Shear Collection of Photography at the Tang Teaching Museum, 2017.41.103

Join us Thursday, September 16, at 8 PM, for Tang Live, a weekly Skidmore student-run event on the Tang’s Instagram. Madeleine Ward-Schultz ’22, 2021-22 Charina Endowment Fund Endowed Intern and member of the Tang Student Advisory Council, talks about her exhibition Hyde Cabinet #13: Thorns in Time with Public Programming Intern Sophia Paulino Adames ‘22.

Tune in via Instagram Live!

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