Wearable E-Textile Programming with Arduino Lilypad

A wrist sticks out in front of a wall with text to display a large yellow wristband with electrical elements.
Light-Up E-Textile Prototype by Emily Theisen, Class of 2022

Join us in person on Saturday, April 23, at 10 am, in the Center for Integrated Sciences MCS Linux Lab (CIS237) as Radical Fiber artist Emilie Giles and Assistant Professor of Computer Science Aarathi Prasad lead participants in creating a wearable light-up e-textile device. During this workshop, participants will be introduced to e-textiles and Arduino software and learn how to use the microcontroller to create interactive garments. We will first use sample programs to test the board and design a simple circuit that uses LEDs.

Participants will be guided to designing a simple circuit using fabric, conductive thread, LEDs, and light sensors and to sew the components onto the fabric to create a light-sensitive wristband. Consider using your wristband for nighttime walking or biking!

No prior programming or sewing experience required. All materials (including computers and fabric) will be provided.

Seating is limited to the first 20 registrants. Please register via this Google form. No prior experience with weaving or technology needed. All materials will be provided.

This event is co-organized by the Tang, IdeaLab, and the Computer Science Department, and is free and open to the public.

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