Family Saturday: Sun Prints

On the left a yellow and silver wall has a framed piece of art at center, beyond that a large white wall is lined with colorful photographs and one large floral print.
Installation view, Studio/Archive, Tang Teaching Museum, 2024, photo by Mindy McDaniel

Join us Saturday, May 11, at 2 pm, for Family Saturday: Sun Prints! After viewing photographs in Studio/Archive, participants will create sun prints using found items.

Family Saturday programs foster multigenerational creative cooperation through looking at artwork, discussing it, and engaging in a hands-on art-making activity. Programs run from 2-3:30 pm and include a tour of selected works. All programs are free and open to the public, and suitable for children age 5 and older, accompanied by their adult companions. No registration required; supplies provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

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