Yvette Molina: Love Notes for Everyone

One hand draws on a card with a colored pencil as the other hand holds it in place on hot pink paper attached to a clipboard that sits atop fuzzy, colorful fabric.
Love Notes for Everyone, Yvette Molina: A Promise to the Leaves, Tang Teaching Museum, 2024

Join us on the mezzanine between 12:30–1:30 pm every Thursday in February to work alongside a Tang intern on Yvette Molina’s “Love Notes for Everyone” project! The project is available in Molina’s exhibition, A Promise to the Leaves throughout the month, but this hour is a dedicated time to work together to spread love to those you know and those you may never meet.

Visitors can participate in multiple ways: write, draw, or color a card and/or address an envelope to a friend, partner, acquaintance, relative, or even yourself. Hang your finished love note on the line and drop your envelope into the letterbox, specially designed for the space by Molina. Cards and envelopes will then be randomly paired and mailed out.

“All beings need and are worthy of care and love. This project invites museum visitors to spread love.” —Yvette Molina

This event is free and open to the public and supplies are provided.

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