MoonCatcher Sewing Bee

The MoonCatcher Project is a grassroots volunteer organization based in Schenectady, New York, that creates menstrual pads for girls in developing countries. Each month, the group organizes a MoonCatcher Sewing Bee (or MoonBee), an event open to all ages and skill levels to come together and create the pads. Join us at the Tang as we host the group’s March MoonBee.

Even if you can’t sew, you can participate in and enjoy a MoonBee. There are useful jobs for everyone, skilled or unskilled. All materials and equipment are provided. However, if you have a sewing machine that you would like to bring, more are always helpful.

To find out more about The MoonCatcher Project, visit their website and facebook page.

The event will also feature the work of Skidmore College student Stella Langat ‘16 and her business Double Dee’s. Kenya’s first indigenous undergarment business, “Double Dee’s” aims to provide well-designed and affordable bras and underwear to Kenyan women. In 2015, Langat won first place in the New York State Business Plan Regional Competition and the top prize in Skidmore College’s Kenneth A. Freirich Business Plan Competition.

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