ROOM•MATE: Living with Tang Art Preview Party & Info Session

Multiple students mingle in front of a wall covered in framed artwork.
ROOM•MATE: Living with Tang Art Preview, Tang Teaching Museum, September 17, 2022, photo by Shawn LaChapelle

Join us Thursday, September 5, at 6 pm, to learn about and celebrate ROOM•MATE: Living with Tang Art. The Tang’s art loan program, which began in 2020, invites Skidmore students to borrow artwork from the Tang collection to hang in their dorm room or apartment. Come learn about ROOM•MATE and preview the 100 artworks that students (perhaps you!) will take home Sunday, September 8. All students interested in participating in ROOM•MATE should make sure to be there by 6:30 pm, which is when the info session begins.

Learn more about the art loan pickup day on Sunday, September 8, 2024.

This event is free and open to the public.

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