Visible Mending Workshop

Two women kneel on the bright yellow carpet and peer down at a denim garment with scraps of fabric laid out beside it.
Visible Mending Workshop, Tang Teaching Museum, 2024, photo by Megan Mumford

Note: This workshop was originally scheduled for Thursday, February 6, at 6:30 pm. It was rescheduled due to winter weather.

Give a second life to a treasured part of your wardrobe! Join us Thursday, February 13, at 6 pm, for a Visible Mending Workshop organized in conjunction with the exhibition Yvette Molina: A Promise to the Leaves. Instructor Karen Stevens ’88 will teach participants how to use fabric remnants and embroidery supplies to “visibly mend” (using decorative stitching) their garments into pieces that are functional and beautiful.

Participants should bring one or more articles of treasured clothing in need of mending or darning. Bring either woven fabrics–denim (with limited or no stretch), cotton, flannel or linen button-down shirts, lightweight bags or totes–or knit sweaters, scarves, socks, etc. No special sewing skills are needed. Participants will be using a basic running stitch and cotton embroidery floss. Fabric remnants, scraps, needles, and embroidery floss will be provided.

Registration required via this Google form.

This workshop is free and open to the public.

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