Family Saturday: Seriously Spirally Sculptures

Spirally Sculpture Prototype

We will look at Jana Sterbak’s Measuring Tape Cones, 1979, in There’s no place that I am, then create some seriously spirally sculptures out of a variety of colorful materials.

The program runs from 2:00-3:30 pm and is suitable for children ages 5 and older, accompanied by their adult companions. Reservations are required. For additional information and reservations, call the Tang’s Visitor Service Desk at 518-580-8080.

Installation view of Jana Sterbak's *Measuring Tape Cones*, 1979, in *There's no place that I am*, Tang Teaching Museum, 2016
Installation view of Jana Sterbak’s Measuring Tape Cones, 1979, in There’s no place that I am, Tang Teaching Museum, 2016
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