Skidmore College Orchestra

Anthony G. Holland, Conductor
Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique!

On Thursday, April 28 at 8:00pm, the Skidmore College Orchestra will take on its greatest musical challenge in it’s 34 year history when it gives it’s final performance of the season in the Arthur Zankel Music Center, Helen Filene Ladd concert hall with a performance of the iconic romantic orchestral work “Symphony Fantastique” by romantic era composer Hector Berlioz.

The Skidmore College orchestra is a semi-professional orchestra made up of Skidmore students and top players from several regional professional orchestras, including the Albany Symphony, Berkshire Symphony, Schenectady Symphony and Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra. Skidmore’s unique orchestral program emphasizes students in the most important orchestral positions and features students in the most important solos. Learn more here:

Livestream link:

Tickets: $8 adults, $5 seniors and Skidmore community, free for students and children

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