Tang Guide Tour

Elena Cruz-Allen ‘18

Skidmore College student Elena Cruz-Allen ‘18 will lead a tour of the museum as part of the Tang Guides Program. Learn all about the Tang Teaching Museum from a student intimately connected to the history and workings of the Tang. Exhibitions on view are This Place, Rose Ocean: Living with Duchamp, Along the Border, Tel_, Elevator Music 35: Ephraim Asili—Jazz Salt, and to be with art is all we ask: Radical Print Culture from the Steven Leiber Archive, 1967-1987.

This tour is free and open to the public.

The Tang Guides Program is a volunteer opportunity that allows Skidmore students from across campus to be involved in the Tang Teaching Museum, to learn about museum education, and to develop the skills needed to lead public tours. After a series of training workshops, students become part of the Tang Guides team and are asked to lead public tours of the museum throughout their time at Skidmore. The program is directed by Museum Educator for Public and College Programs Tom Yoshikami.

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