
Activism is direct action, by individuals working on their own or communally, to affect societal change. Activism encompasses a broad range of activities, including protests, demonstrations, petitions, and social media campaigns—all ways of taking action to achieve positive change around a diverse range of issues including political, social, economic, and environmental causes.

Explore activism by clicking on the images above and browsing the content below.

Explore collection stories—texts, videos, and creative responses from faculty, students, artists, scholars, and curators to works in the Tang collection.
Associate Professor of Gender Studies Gwen D’Arcangelis’s course “GWS 202: Lived Feminism: Engagement and Praxis” examined artwork from the Tang collection to discuss different ways in which political messages are presented, how art is used toward political ends, and how to define or determine “effectiveness” when conveying such messages to a broad public.

Corita Kent

One powerful form of activism is the creation and dissemination of printed material such as posters, flyers, and prints—relatively inexpensive to make in large quantities—to communicate ideas. Corita Kent (1918–1986) was an artist and educator whose serigraphs (screen prints) carried strong messages of peace and social justice and whose work is an enduring model and source for activists and activist-artists around the globe.
Explore Stories are texts, videos, and creative responses from faculty, students, artists, scholars, and curators to works in the Tang collection.
Students in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Senior Lecturer Nathan Meltz’s “ARTS2090: Radical Graphics Screenprinting” explored screenprints by Corita Kent for inspiration to create their own work.
Tang Collective Catalogs are short written responses from a multiplicity of voices responding to objects in the Tang Teaching Museum collection.

Additional Resources

Browse the Lucy Scribner Library Research Guides on:

Asian Studies
Black Studies
Contemporary Issues
Gender Studies
Political Science
Social Work

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