Organize Exhibitions and Events

Since opening in 2000 the Tang has presented many student curated exhibitions and has been an ideal location for individual students and student groups to hold their events.
Anchor name: Curate An Exhibition

Curate an Exhibition

As part of a class or independent study, students can work with Tang curators to propose an exhibition. The initial contact person for proposals is Assistant Director of Engagement Tom Yoshikami (

View past student curated events here.

Anchor name: Ayelen Pagnanelli Video
Student Interview: Ayelen Pagnanelli ‘14 on Curating
A double major in Gender Studies and Studio Art, Ayelen Pagnanelli ‘14 discusses her experience curating (Un)Known Lives of Objects: From Nigeria to the Tang Collection.
Anchor name: Organize An Event

Organize an Event

Individual students and student groups have long turned to the Tang as an ideal location to hold their events. Past events have included magazine release parties, fashion shows, dance performances, plays, poetry readings, and concerts. Events come about with students or student groups submitting proposals to the Tang, and then working with the Tang staff to bring the ideas to fruition. For more information, visit the Student Programs and Events page. The contact person for proposals is Assistant Director of Engagement Tom Yoshikami (

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