Laila Morgan

Laila Morgan ’18 shares her experience working at the Tang Teaching Museum as the 2016-17 Carole Marchand ’57 Endowed Intern.
Tang Student Interview: Laila Morgan ’18
Laila Morgan discusses her rolse as the Tang Teaching Museum as the 2016-17 Carole Marchand ‘57 Endowed Intern. Laila talks about being a doula and curating her exhibition Birthing Bodies.

The Carole Marchand ’57 Endowed Internship is a one-year museum experience for a Skidmore junior. This unique work experience will function as an introduction to post-graduate life by providing academic and practical experience during the junior year as well as a summer museum job.

This paid internship is divided into two parts: an 8-10 hour-a-week position during the academic year that will provide experience working in a Tang Museum department (Administrative, Curatorial, Engagement, or Collections); and a 20-hour-a-week position during the summer after the student’s Junior year. Specifics about the department and individual projects are determined by the needs of the museum and the student’s interest. This is a full-year internship program. Students applying must commit to working the full two-semester academic year and subsequent summer.

Laila Morgan '18 demonstrates weaving at the Energy Field Knitting and Weaving Party, *Liz Collins — Energy Field*, Tang Teaching Museum, 2017, photo by Cindy Schutlz
Laila Morgan ‘18 demonstrates weaving at the Energy Field Knitting and Weaving Party, Liz Collins — Energy Field, Tang Teaching Museum, 2017, photo by Cindy Schutlz
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