Opener 17
Nicole Eisenman: The Way We Weren’t

Nicole Eisenman’s psychologically revealing work includes installations, drawings, animations, and, increasingly, paintings. Eisenman’s unique brand of humor permeates her work. Simultaneously playful, biting, and raunchy, she challenges cultural and social norms associated with gender and sexuality, popular culture, and the current art scene.

Nicole Eisenman: The Way We Weren’t features a new series of paintings that extend her perceptive social critique. Surly and melancholic figures crowd her scenes of street corners and beer gardens, drowning their shared discontent in alcohol and reveling in the anonymity of the crowd.

While Eisenman’s disenchanted figures feel unmistakably contemporary, the scenes also hearken back to earlier times, recalling Impressionist and German Expressionist paintings that share a similar fascination with human interaction and isolation.
Exhibition Name
Opener 17
Nicole Eisenman: The Way We Weren’t
Exhibition Type
Opener Series
Solo Exhibitions
Malloy Wing
Sep 26, 2009 - Jan 3, 2010
Opener 17: Nicole Eisenman – The Way We Weren’t is organized by the Susan Rabinowitz Malloy ’45 Curator Ian Berry in collaboration with the artist
Nicole Eisenman
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