Tang in the News

Recent news and press

Press Releases

News, Mews, Pews, Brews, Stews, and Dues, 1970, by Ed Ruscha, Tang Teaching Museum, 1980.304.1-6

Press Kits

Press kits and accompanying images are provided exclusively to the press, and only for purposes of publicity for the duration of an exhibition at the Tang. The Tang grants permission to use images only to the extent of its ownership rights relating to those images—the responsibility for any additional permissions remains solely with the party reproducing the images. In addition, the images must be accompanied by the credit line and any copyright information as it appears, and the party reproducing the images must not distort or mutilate the images.

Media Contact
Michael Janairo, Manager of Communications and Strategic Initiatives
518-580-5542 mjanairo@skidmore.edu
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