A Satie/Cage Tango

David Porter on piano, A Satie/Cage Tango, Tang Teaching Museum, November 11, 2000

Inspired by the Tang’s inaugural exhibition S.O.S.: Scenes of Sound, A Satie/Cage Tango is a blend of music, dance, visual art, readings, and audience participation performed at the Tang.

The experimental performance work created by nearly two dozen Skidmore faculty, students, alumni, and guest artists, A Satie/Cage Tango featured Erik Satie’s Sports et Divertissements and John Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes. Skidmore faculty performers and organizers included David Porter, Skidmore President Emeritus; Richard Hihn, senior artist-in-residence in music; Mary DiSanto-Rose, associate professor of dance; Debra Fernandez, associate professor of dance; Margo Mensing, associate professor of art; and John Anzalone, professor of French.

A Satie/Cage Tango included urbane vignettes for Satie’s work created by DiSanto-Rose, while Fernandez choreographed off-center phrases and episodes for Cage’s work. David Porter prepared the piano for the Cage work by inserting some eighty objects: screws, bolts, pieces of plastic and rubber between its strings.

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