Opener 1
Jonathan Seliger: Floor Model

Jonathan Seliger transforms the familiar into works that are abstract and revealing through precise attention to detail and surreal alterations of scale and color. Seliger combines techniques of painting, printmaking, and sculpture by stretching, folding, and gluing canvases to form recognizable everyday objects, such as envelopes, shopping bags, and pillows. The accuracy with which Seliger manipulates these canvases renders them virtually indiscernible from actual objects, recalling the convincing sensibility of Pop Art pieces such as Andy Warhol’s Brillo boxes.

By subtly altering the familiar, Seliger explores the tension between generality and specificity, the masses and the personal. In this way, the exhibit explored the individual, and elevated experiences that underlie the commonness of everyday life.

The Laurie Tisch Sussman Foundation, the New York State Council on the Arts, the Overbrook Foundation, and the Friends of the Tang provided funding for this exhibition. A 64 page, full-color catalogue including an interview with Jonathan Seliger by Ian Berry is available.

Exhibition Name
Opener 1
Jonathan Seliger: Floor Model
Exhibition Type
Opener Series
Solo Exhibitions
Malloy Wing
Jun 16, 2001 - Aug 26, 2001
Opener 1 is curated by Ian Berry, Curator for the Tang Museum, in collaboration with the artist, Jonathan Seliger.
Jonathan Seliger
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