
Tune into Tangwaves!

Professor Adam Tinkle’s students transform a hallway inside the Tang Museum into a tiny FM radio station for a live broadcast of their final audio projects. Stop by the museum to catch their frequency, pick up a portable radio, and see the transmission in progress. Their low-powered station will have a limited broadcast range, so you will need to be in the vicinity of the Tang to tune in.

2:00 - 5:00 pm Intro to Audio Documentary
2:00 Addison Bennett
2:15 Dorothea Trufelman
2:30 Adam Simon
2:45 Finley Tevlin
3:00 Megan Kolopsky
3:15 Caleb Weiss
3:30 Rebecca Stern
3:45 Emma Lanier
4:00 Misha Lanin
4:15 John Volza
4:30 Tessa Kalinosky
4:45 Jamerly De La Cruz

5:00 - 6:00 Interval/Surprise

6:00 - 8:00 pm Intro to Media Studies
6:00 Pin-up Images, Then and Now: Sophia Eberhardt, Sean van der Heijden, Peter LaChance, Rachel Rosenfeld
6:20 Kardashians Convergence: Chris Beckett, Jie Li, Ruby Siegel, Emma Fritschel
6:40 Satire Across Media: Jillian Moossmann, Benjamin Drennan, Chris Isaacson, QInyi Zhu
7:00 The Contestant Show: Will Ward, Dan Dasgupta, Tatiana Hoeklin, Romi Moors
7:20 Stand-up Across Media: Charlie Goldberg, Sindiso Mafico, Nina Slowinsky

Tangwaves is one of three events celebrating student creativity at the Tang. Starting at 12:00 pm, the Tang store will have a one-day sale of art & handmade items created by Skidmore College students. Tangwaves broadcasting will begin at 2:00 pm. Immediately following the broadcast is the annual Tang Party, where we’ll ring in the end of the academic year with an epic celebration of student art including site-specific installations and live music.

Schedule of events on 4/29:

Anchor name: Photos
Pattern as of Feb 13, 1:48:52 am
daily on-campus page views: 285
daily off-campus page views: 422
current wind in Saratoga Springs: 4.24 mph, NNE
Website design: Linked by Air